Food relief in member communities

- Currently the Food Fund distributes food donations to 31 organisations on a bi-weekly basis. These members have to prepare meals and distribute in the respective communities. Evidence of food distribution is shared on our Facebook page as part of transparency and accountability. Stats are recorded for reporting purposes. Members are encourage to augment FRASA food donations by sourcing alternative food resources.

Bishop Lavis


Our Food Fund

Food Fund members receive food donations every second week to prepare and distribute in their communities. Our Food Fund coordinator and board member, Asavela Peko, purchase the food donations and uses his personal vehicle to distribute every weekend. Members are divided in group A and B. FRASA leader Sanoline Hartzenberg-Jacobs distributes to group A and Asavela Peko to group B. Members of this group have to abide by strict guidelines to remain members of this group. Funding is received from various sources to assist us with food donations.

Vanessa Cookson – Brown Girl Kreations (YD)

Asavela Peko delivering food donations

Etheline Tyakume – Zenele Women’s Development
Capacity building workshops

- These workshops are organised in line with our strategy to build capacity in member organisations. Topical issues are selected and guests facilitators invited to share their expertise and knowledge. Some topics addressed so far include NPO legal compliance, labour legal compliance, effective networking, marketing strategies, fundraising in difficult times, partnership building, financial management, etc. We also do one-on-one job shadowing in organisational management.

Discussing funding strategies

Asavela Peko - Discussion on legal compliance

Job shadowing in finance
Study tours and site visits

- In line with our diverse methodology to mentoring and coaching, we arrange study tours and site visits to our partners and other stakeholders. In this way we connect our members other partners in the food relief sector in a spirit of openness and accountability. Members are able to ask critical questions about each others work, focus areas, internal systems, strategies, etc. In this way collaborative learning is promoted and partnerships are strengthened.

Tafelsig garden in the box

NPO Helpdesk CT

Phillipi Horticultural Area
Community Food Gardens

We encourage our members to grow community food gardens as part of our strategy
of becoming more self-reliant on accessing food resources. We partner with community schools to offer free access to land and a water supply. FRASA members bring their free labour and expertise. Food garden leaders assist with the mobilisation of various resources such as seedlings, compost, equipment, etc. We are supported by the Department of Agriculture and the SABBA Movement.

Riebeeck Wes

Food garden workshop

Silversands - Delft

Scottsdene High
Rural Outreach

Our members host regular outreaches to rural areas where there is a need for food relief. Local partners are identified to assist with the mobilisation of food resources. Clothing and party packs are also organised and distributed. So far areas such as Grabouw, Villiersdorp, Hawston, Klawer, Touws River, Mc Gregor and Mamre were covered.

Outreach to Villiersdorp

Outreach to Mamre

Outreach to Grabouw

Outreach to Hawston
Our Annual Day of Gratitude
When we thank our members for their hard work!
How we market ourselves

- Our primary means of connecting with NPOs are through our Facebook page
(and partner pages) and via email to members.
- We have set up a website and launched our own electronic newsletter.
- Marketing also happens through our events such as workshops and site visits/study tours.
- We also run a WhatsApp group for member organisations to facilitate efficient communication.
- We also cultivate radio, newspapers and TV soon as part of intensifying our marketing strategy.
- We have a WhatsApp group for all members where constant sharing of resources and valuable opportunities take place.
- We have produced a short FRASA promotional video.
- FRASA has designed t-shirts and banners which members wear and display at public events.
- FRASA is a member of Cape Town TV where we get regular exposure.
Our strategic partners

- Various donors (King Baudouin Foundation, Kerk in Actie, SPZA,
Balwin Foundation, YP@W board and staff, Friends from Holland/Utrecht)
- Community Chest – Western Cape (Funding, donations, senior staff are regular speakers at our events)
- Department of Social Development (participate in our capacity building workshops)
- YoungPeople@Work (assists with volunteer support at our events, sharing office space and admin support)
- Department of Labour (speaker on labour legal compliance at our workshops)
- Inyathelo Institute for Advancement (site visits to explore Funding Finder)
- All About Mzanzi (provide free assistance with social media/newsletter design and database management)
- Centre of Excellence provides discounted training space
- Food Relief Agencies such as Food for Life, Agri-SA, Premier Foods, Ladles of Loves, etc. provide food resources to member organisations.SA Harvest, Food Forward SA, Gift of the Givers, Shoprite Soup Kitchen, Hungry Lion.
- Youth Against Crime and Drugs (Belhar) distributes weekly food donations.
- Youth for Change (Hanover Park), Children Have a Dream Foundation (Delft South)
- Department of Agriculture (provides funding and material support to food gardens)
- Community schools (partners in food gardening)
Associates and their core expertise

- Shirley De Jongh (computer facilitator, train the trainer, office management
and catering skills)
- Titania Fernandez (donor cultivation, proposal writing, public relations)
- Lorenzo Davids (CEO of Community Chest; fundraiser, public speaker, facilitator)
- Freda Camphor (associate; labour legal compliance; financial management)
- Taj Aklekker (associate; effective networking, board development, fundraising)
- Warren Lodge (Life Brand, marketing and branding)
- Deborah Dreyer (Senior Director – Department of Social Development)
- Allistair Brown (All About Mzanzi – free support with electronic newsletter)
- Prof Eric Atmore (Lecturer, UCT and Director of Centre for Early Childhood Dev)
- Abdul Ryklief (NPO legal compliance)
- Soraya Mentoor (Facilitator in media and HIV/Aids. Organisational management)
Jayson Magooda (PFF trustee, director and founder of JMD and Associates, director of BLACK)
Sallvon Fransman (NPO legal compliance)
Carol Bruton (Director and founder of Rescue Among Many – specialist in dinations-in-kind)
Alison Alexander (Director and founder of Rainbow House – specialist in donor cultuvation)